Monday, June 25, 2007

Age of Love


A little bit of boating, work, road trips, golfing, biking, torn ligaments in my foot and little of “age of love” and the blog is back. Anybody that has read the blog heard me talk about “age of love” a few weeks ago and I was excited because I thought it would be horrible. It has exceeded my expectations and is much worse.

Mark Phillapoopoo or whatever, is a total jock, he can’t hardly say the girls name back to them. I can’t decide which scene I enjoyed more.
When Mark meets the 40 year olds and is like “Should I buy them some Ensure?”
Wait we have a new leader he is wearing a fake afro on roller skates and he can’t hardly skate. This guy is a professional tennis player? I think I could do that….. On skates!
When he gets in the hot tub with the 20 year olds and can’t think of anything to say because he has concentric circles and triangles running through his head. Yeah, that’s nerd talk boobs and vags

How hot is the 26 year old on this show? I don’t know who she looks like but I like it! Holy Cow Mary should be cut right away because she is F.I.N.E
Freaked out
Get rid of her! The cat is out of the bag, she is crazy and Philapussy is going to figure it out pretty fast. It’s not like the real world and they can hide it for a couple weeks. See Paula from real world key west.

I really enjoyed the scene where mark was talking with the 48 year old and figured out that she could be his mom. Next week on age of love Mark Philapuppy makes out with mom! That would be great T.V. this big shot thinks he is getting a bachelor knock off show and then he makes out with his mom and is publicly humiliated forever!

Nah, Mark PhilaGreyPoupon is alright although he has less game than some of friends good thing he is rich.

I give NBC credit it gives guys the chance to ponder the age old question 40 vs. 20 menopause vs. men pause men pause men.
Holy cow the 20 year old are going Dance Dance Revolution, I think they have been practicing since they were 12.

Once again Mark is an athlete he is too concentrated on winning at DDR than looking at the girls boobs while the play. I woulda gave 3 to 1 odds for that. Mark PhilaPujols has no clue how to talk to a woman no wonder he is still single.

I forgot about the whole reality show = free booze aspect, which leads to free booze = horny girls = drama = good tv. I know Mark Philapino made fun of the girl that said her dog has the same personality as her but I think his dog has the same personality as him.

Yes that was five funny names jokes in this blog but I think that is all I got. I hope I didn’t lose all the readers but I am gonna try to bring the blog back.


Age of Love…But love has no age. Right. That’s what the cradle robbers and grave diggers tell themselves. Those of us who live in the real world know differently. Will professional tennis player/hottie pick the kittens (20s) or the cougars (40s)? It depends on whether he likes wrinkles or dead brain cells?

On one hand, the 20s are young, cute and…well, I don’t have anything else to add here. Oh wait I do…slutty. Did you see Tessa’s boobs? She’s in surgical sales. SportsDude asked, “I wonder what she sells?” I have a good idea…fake boobs. Hers are almost as bad as Heidi Montag’s HILLS, almost!

On the other hand, the 40s are aged but isn’t all fine wine? They are also established in their careers. And they are self-confident. No, they don’t look the best in a bikini but who does?

I have no doubt that Mark whatever his last name is will choose a 20-year-old. Not because they are more fun. Not because they are smarter. Because they are sluttier. And pro athletes like slutty.

Okay this is where I should reveal I am 23. So why am I being so mean to my age class? Because just watch them. They are being dumb. But there are a few that I think have potential. Adelaide, Amanda and Megan – the 3 women he took on his private date. I don’t have a clear favorite in the 40s yet.

I guess we’ll get to see what the age of love is. If it’s 40, I might just piss my pants.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Coming Soon

We are working on a new post. Sorry for the delay. Things have been a little hectic. Promise to have one up in the next day or so. We will return to regular programming in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

National Spelling Bee


Tonight something totally unintentional happened. I was channel surfing and came across the Scripps National Spelling Bee. I have never sat down and watched this but I wish I had for many years. However, after watching this for only a little while I have many questions.

Who are the announcers for the spelling bee? Are they former spelling bee champions? Participants? If not, then why are they there? We need John Madden announcing this thing. “You see Nathan Horton got the d mixed up with the t and when that happens the bell rings and your out, huh huh huh.”

I see Stuart Scott backstage interviewing some kid that was a good speller for many years and I thought “What did Stu Scott do to piss off everyone at ABC?” Next I seen his microphone and is had the HD on it which made me wonder

Is this thing broadcasted in HD? If so, why? Who possible needs to see this in HD? I can just hear the following exchange.

“I think that contestant 487 has a booger in his left nostril.”
“No, I think that its nose hair”
“He is thirteen, there is no way he can grow nose hair”

Mike and Mike are there too? There is no way Mike Golic belongs at the Spelling Bee. I guess he is just trying out his announcing skills. What are the odds on Mike Golic being able to spell “Dandy Doodles?”

This girl asked for the antamology of pelorus and the judge said “its unknown” and this girl’s face was saying Son of a @#$%&. It was priceless, she just got frustrated and eventually missed the word.

Where do these words come from? I mean I have tried to type some of these words in Microsoft word and it thought I misspelled a word.

There was this kind and the judge gave them some complicated word and said that it mean a “bed bug” and the kid said “I like bed bug better.” I hope he wins

Wow, I’m glad that I am not in middle school like these kids. Wow, I’m glad I’m not in this spelling bee because I like numbers better.

This thing is so unintentionally funny that I went to the fridge and got a beer and began watch the hilairiousness. Shoppergal just said she didn’t like this kid and didn’t’ want him to win. Geez, the judge just tried to make a joke and even worse people laughed at it. It would have gone over like a wet fart in church if it wasn’t at a spelling bee.

What are these kids going to do after the spelling bee? I mean it’s not like this is going to be a skill later on in life. I mean if I asked somebody to spell something I’d wait maybe 20 seconds and then try to look it up. It’s not like they can even turn it into a parlor trick. I can just see this happening.
“Hey, can you spell fromundacheese”
“Can I have the origin”
“Yeah, I think it came from somewhere by bangkok”

I think I have a new annual event!


I’m sitting here drinking a beer and watching…wait for it…the national spelling bee. Yes, I live an exciting life. I happened to flip to ABC during supper and saw that Scripps National Spelling Bee was on. I stayed to watch one then two spellers. SportsDude moved over closer. We soon found ourselves trying to spell the words and cheering on people we liked. We were headed to the bar. But miss the spelling bee? No way.

There’s a boy from Missouri still in it. That makes me happy. I can’t remember his name but he looked somewhat normal. Most of the others kids looked incredibly nerdy. Okay the Missouri boy wasn’t that cool either but at least he was American.

You see very few of the final spellers at the spelling bee appear to be American. I have a theory why. In the United States, we name our kids things like Matt, Ben, Mike, Lee. In other countries, their names are longer, more complicated. Mohammed. Chyao. People from other countries have to become expert spellers just to spell their own names. It doesn’t take much brains to figure out how to spell Bob or Joe.

I have to confess here that I once competed at the regional spelling bee. In fact, that’s how I met my college roommate. We were in 8th grade and sat side by side at the regional spelling bee. Unfortunately I went out in the first round on deem. I spelled it deam. She said she made it further but I can’t remember. We both even still have our bright yellow spelling bee shorts. If that wasn’t dorky enough, we decided to wear them one day – at the same time.

I love spelling. I hate when people misspell words. I hate it even worse when I misspell words. Last fall I misspelled opossum. I had no idea there was an o in front of it. Even my fiancĂ© knew that which made me feel even worst because he can’t even spell his own name (just kidding).

Imagine being in 6th, 7th, 8th grade and winning the national spelling bee beating out kids from all across the country. Footnote here: why is Canada kids in the NATIONAL spelling bee? They aren’t part of this country. Whatever. As long as they don’t win. I would be super proud to win the bee as dorky as it sounds. And I’m sure these kids will be too. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they write a tell-all book someday: My Life as a Spelling Bee Champ.

My claim to spelling fame: supercalifragilistic. Oh god I’m going to feel like a moron if I spelled that wrong.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pirates and Bingo


File this under the Really!?!?! Category like they did on SNL with Michael Vick. Coming this Thursday, get ready to set your DVR… Pirate Master! Flip, flop, flame out. I can’t believe they are going to air this show. I want to be in that meeting room when this idea is presented. So, what do you guys want to put on Thursday nights this summer? “I got it, the show will be like Survivor but we will make everyone be Pirates.” Whoever said “yeah, that sounds like a good idea” needs to lose their job and be forced actually watch this show.

I am convinced that they will put anything on tv, especially in the summer. We are leading up to a reality show where somebody has a shot to win a lot of money for winning or if they lose then they have to live the rest of their lives on some deserted island.

By the way, who came up with the idea for National Bingo Night? This show has got to be next Pirate Master for worst on tv, and I haven’t even seen it. As my friends will tell you this is where I say “I don’t need to watch that show because no good can come from it.”

I don’t know the name of the show but this summer set the Tivo for the show where there is like a 30 year old guy and he is playing the part of the bachelor and has to choose between a group of 40 year old women or 20 year old girls. Hmmmmmm…. This one sounds tough. Bubbly and horny vs. bitter and lazy. I’ll have to weigh this one out more closely.

In closing the NBA playoffs are wash and we are inevitably heading for a Spurs vs. Pistons rematch. Both of my baseball teams stink and summer tv is a snooze. This gives me more time to work on my golf game so, thanks network heads.


Ahoy mate. Apparently pirates are all the rage. I knew they were popular there for awhile in women’s fashion. I have the skull shoes to prove it and Nicole Richie and Ashlee Simpson have pirate-esque scarves. Television is the next line to follow suit.

SportsDude and I returned from the Memorial Day holiday to see a commercial for a new reality tv show. Pirate Master. They really have thought of everything. It looks very Survivor-like but with pirates (or people who want to be pirates). Now I know people will do anything to be on t.v. but seriously? Does that many people really want to be a pirate? Do they even exist anymore? I’m thinking the huge blockbuster hit Pirates of the Caribbean might have something to do with this pirate craze.

To fully understand why I think this pirate show is completely hilarious, you have to know some inside knowledge. We have friends who used to date who regularly rented pirate porn. Every time they would come home with a porn and SportsDude and I would sneak a peek (for purely educational purposes) it always starred pirates. We loved to give them a hard time about their pirate obsession.

After telling my coworkers about how crazy this new pirate show was, I ran across and even more ridiculous show. People competing for kidneys. Can television get any crazier? Read the story here:

I wouldn’t be doing ridiculous tv justice if I didn’t at least mention National Bingo Night. Yes. On Friday nights there is actually a show centered around bingo. B12. And I’m not talking Star Wars here. The sad part I think this show might actually be interesting, especially if it gives home viewers a chance to play along. I’ll bring my playing card to the couch.

I knew that they would show just about anything on t.v. now but I’m pretty sure we’ve just gone beyond anything. Pirates? Kidneys? Bingo? Come on, people. There has to be something better to do with your nights!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

NBA Lottery and season finale


Portland?.... Portland…. Freaking Portland. What is in that city other than the Jail Blazers? There is a reason that the city has only one professional sports franchise. Because that is the only one it can support. I had always suspected that the NBA has rigged the lottery in the past years because everything has just fallen too perfect. Lebron goes to his hometown of Cleveland. Patrick Ewing goes to New York. It’s bad enough that Portland is going to get Greg Oden but then Durant is going to go to Seattle, another team in the pacific northwest. Maybe 5-7 years from now there will be great showdowns between the two but now it is a disaster.

All of the good teams and good players are in the west now the two next franchise players are going to be in the west too? There is only one way to fix the NBA. Import, Lebron, D Wade, and Gilbert Arenas Chris Bosh, and Dwight Howard to Memphis, Sacramento, Clippers, T-Wolves and Hornets. The rest of the league in the words of Donald Trump “you’re fired.” Yeah, the rest of the league is just cut. I mean really what are we losing? Other than some history with Bulls and Celtics, the rest of the east is dead. It wouldn’t happen because of the huge media market on the east but the west would be awesome to watch. The quality of games would go up, players might show up in shape and care during all the games. Ok. Ok, you don’t like that solution.

Let’s bring NBA Live ’09 to life and have a fantasy draft. The east will now never win a game against the west, other than the Pistons no team will be over .500. So, tear up everyone’s contract and put all the players in a big pool and use this year’s draft order to pick all the players again. That way balance of power will come back and the season will fun to watch again.

In closing right when you think that the NBA couldn’t get any worse, this happens. Barring a trade the league will suck for at least 5 more years.

Random notes instead of a segway: Shoppergal can not do a single real push up also I think Sarah Silverman is hilarious because of her new commercial promoting the MTV Movie Awards where she feels up this guy and then smells her hand. By the way the Sarah Silverman show was very funny, while ridiculous, still very funny.

Part 2 of the Blog: Season finales of our favorite tv shows ranked from the top 3 down.

Desperate Housewives. I am kind of ashamed I watch this show but I blame my upbringing. I came from a small town that centered around gossip. Fact: the smaller the town the more ridiculous of stories/rumors there are. I might blog about this another day. Anyways, the housewives know how to make everything interesting. I hope that Carlos gets back together with Eva because I think I look like Carlos and Eva is in my Top 3 celebrities I want to do. Note: she was about to get kicked out of the #3 slot by Beyonce but then she walked in the room with the politician guy and said she was horny. Schwing, back in the top 3. The blonde couple went through a rough patch and will be tested with her having cancer and her mom in the house. I am glad that Terri Hatcher got married to that rugged looking guy, he is much cooler than the Englishman Ian. I am glad they got rid of Edy because she wasn’t hot enough or real enough to be on this show. Final note Bri (the red head) is way crazy. I mean crazy like the kind of girl that says “wow, she is pretty hot” and naturally you respond like a guy and say “yeah!?” then she freaks out on you for looking at her. This show is a soap opera during primetime but oh well drama is cool as long as it isn’t yours.

Heroes. I would have had this higher but I was kind of disappointed in the final scene with the fight. I don’t have a better answer for how they should have done it because everyone had to accumulate at that spot but Nikki/Jessica didn’t need to be there. She had little significance in that scene. Basically I was mad that everyone was sitting around watching Peter and Sylar fight and did nothing. By the way Peter and Sylar will both be back next season. Although it did follow the plot well, good became evil and evil became good and “saved the world” plus Hiro killed Sylar just like the comic predicted, plus he looked bad ass. This show is written so well, I am worried that next season is going to be a huge let down. I wish they would cut the show and make a movie trilogy out of it.

The Office. I like this show a lot. It turned out well for me. What is going to happen with Jan? I think she will wind up pregnant and Michael will get excited about being a father and Dwight will try to give him advice. It is going to be weird having BJ Novak as Michaels boss. I don’t think that will last long. Tangent: did anybody else notice a huge personality change in Kelly in the past 2 seasons? Karen, she is definantly gone off that show because her other pilot got picked up. Leading up to her and Jim being done, and more fun with Jim+Pam=Jam. That means more picking on Dwight, my favorite of the show.


Okay I’m going to leave the NBA lottery alone for the most part. I think SportsDude hit it hard enough. I don’t understand why the NBA doesn’t just conduct the draft like the NFL where the worst team picks first. Seems to make sense but whatever.

What I really care about is t.v. and I couldn’t be more sad that all the shows are pretty much over for the season. I don’t know what I’m going to do tonight without The Office and Grey’s Anatomy to watch.

My favorite shows of the season: The Office, Heroes and American Idol. Other shows that found their way onto my watch schedule and were pretty good shows: Grey’s Anatomy, Friday Night Lights and October Road (despite only being a few episodes long – there’s always next season).

So what did I think of the season finales? The finales that rocked my world:

3. Grey’s Anatomy – Normally Grey’s would be number 1 but this season just didn’t do it for me. It left a bad taste in my mouth, especially the season finale. There were no happily ever afters. It reminded me of the movie My Best Friend’s Wedding where as good as it was you were still unhappy because Julia Roberts didn’t get the man. I still watched the finale and I’m sure I’ll pick up next season. I might even watch the new pilot, Private Practice starring the beautiful Addison Montgomery.

2. Heroes – This show rocked my world quite literally. It ended with a boom. But luckily for the state of New York, Nathan Petrelli saved the day. He turned out to not be such a bad guy after all. The Heroes accomplished their goal: Save the cheerleader, save the world. I, for one, can’t wait for next season.

1. The Office – How could this not be another one? We finally got the Jam (Jim+Pam) action we’ve been waiting for since that hot kiss during last season’s finale. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Karen. I just liked Jim and Pam together much more. Throw in Steve Carrell as Michael and Dwight and you have a hilarious show. This show always lives up to my expectations. Love it!

I don’t know what SportsDude are I are going to do with our lives now that we have nothing to watch on t.v. Maybe long bike rides. We’re so pathetic!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Croquet Fight and American Idol

Tonight is the big Idol finale Jordin vs. Blake. The obviously safe pick is Jordin. She is black and white, a smile that captures a room and can really belt it out. Blake is modern, hip and original. I will maintain that once again Blake is the only person on the show that I would pay money to see. I think he is extremely talented and original, however, he entered a singing competition and he is a “pretty good” singer. As we have seen in the past thought the best singers don’t always win. It is whoever is the most marketable.

Let’s look at the demographics for the contestants. Blake appeals to the young generation, who eats up music. Blake does not appeal to anyone over the age of 30 though. Jordin appeals to everyone, and although she is young I don’t think she appeals to a real young generation simply because she is not “sexy” enough.

I don’t know who votes the most for American Idol but I think it is 13 year old girls (which makes me question my maturity) so I think Blake will land all of those votes. I’m calling it Blake Lewis is you American Idol.


Last night me and shoppergal played a few games croquet. Up until Sunday I had not won a game of croquet against shoppergal because I never played it until we got a set last year. Shoppergal is quite competitive and last night she kind of grazed a ball and it didn’t go anywhere. I was feeling nice so I let her have another hit because the ball didn’t go anywhere. One karma point for Sportsdude. A few hit later I hit the ball and it lands exactly in the middle of the wicket. Depending who you are it could be argued that half is through the wicket or not. Expecting that Shoppergal would remember my kind act, I was thinking that it would be called over half through and I could hit again. Ummmmm……. Let me think….. NO.

Shoppergals, competitive spirit came through. I let her win the argument because I always let her win. However, I was upset about this one. What goes around did NOT come back around. I’m a go with the flow kind of guy but this made the flow stop.

We play on and I’m losing because I can’t focus because I am mad. I try to really nail the ball and the mallet falls of pole and manages to hit my foot and the ball. OK, OK, shoppergal will see that the mallet flew off the club and let me have another try at it, kind of like a foul ball in baseball. “NO, you can’t hit!” said shoppergal.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoooa. Whoooaoooa. Back the horse up. Back the F***** horse up. Where did my good karma point go? I didn’t get to use it earlier and I don’t get to use it now? Ya know what… Santa Clause is not watching, did nobody see this good deed I did earlier? Maybe I should go cash in this karma point in at the casino.

Oh by the way shoppergal won all 4 games of croquet last night. I am ashamed…. I have disappointed men all over the country.

All this leads up to the question “Do you always play to win?”

If you're an American Idol hater, skip down toward the end of my post immediately because this top part is all about tonight's finale. As you can tell, SportsDude and I are obsessed with American Idol. And tonight is finally the moment of truth…who will be crowned the 6 th American Idol? Will it be the young but pop-tastic Jordin Sparks or will it be the unique, alternative Blake Lewis?

My money's on Jordin although I'd be pleased with either ending. I think Jordin fits the mold of American Idol much better but Blake would bring something different to the role. He's not a cookie cutter artist. He does his own thing; he has his own style. And it's impressive I must add.

Even more importantly than who is going to win, what superstars will make guest appearances? I heard a rumor that Britney Spears would be taking her train wreck comeback to the American Idol stage. But I find that very hard to believe. I guess we'll all have to wait and see.

On another note (tune back in AI haters) I am the world's most competitive person. Seriously. Ask SportsDude. He'll tell you. Last night we played a game of croquet like we had for the last two nights but last night things got a little out of hand.

I don't think I'm in the minority here when I say that I hate to lose. I mean it. I can't stand it. I will do anything – cheat, steal, lie – to keep from losing. It makes me feel inadequate. It makes me feel defeated. It makes me…well, pissed.

But last night I wasn't even losing and I lost my cool and the competitive ShopperGal oozed out of every inch of my body and SportsDude got to experience the wrath. It happened at the first wicket. I went to shoot the ball and mostly missed. My mallet grazed the ball but the ball only moved about a millimeter. SportsDude let me shoot again (which I think was fair since my ball didn't move).

Well, we move on to the next wicket and SportsDude shoots one through the wicket and it doesn't make it all the way through. In my opinion, it doesn't make it more than 1/3 of the way through. In his, it is half. Rules of croquet state that it has to be at least halfway through to count as through. SportsDude thought it was through and he should shoot again. I disagreed. Well, then he brings out the big gun. He let me cheat (earlier hit which I considered totally legal) and it's halfway though so he should get to hit again. We argued for at least 5 minutes about this. Finally I gave in and let him cheat since he had let me "cheat".

I know it's a stupid story and an even more stupid thing to get mad over. But I couldn't help it. It struck my competitive nature. So anyway SportsDude spent the rest of the evening mad at me. And I spent the rest of the evening mad at myself. I had ruined a fun game of croquet and it's not the first time. It seems like every time I try to play a game I get too competitive and take all the fun out of it.

SportsDude tells me games are supposed to be fun. Well, I told him that they are fun WHEN I'm winning. Is that wrong?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ryan Seacrest

A lot of people probably thought that Idol last night was shocking. I’m calling a “told ya so” on this one. Once Idol gets down to the final three or four singing goes out the window. Everyone can say “yeah, they can sing pretty good.” At this point in the game what matters most is looks and song choice. What I mean by song choice is that the contestants need to pick a song that everyone knows and that is fun. If the contestants pick a slow song then they are done for. Last nights show and many others this year seem to have been overshadowed by Ryan Seacrest.

At this point I have many questions and few answers for why Ryan Seacrest is so popular. He is terribly awkward, not funny, maybe gay, and has no personality. So, I guess he is what network exec’s want. It just seems like he should have a big wind up rod on his back that the exec’s turn and then Ryan walks around and says stupid things. Let’s have some examples.

Last night when Elliot (we be) Yamin got done singing and was trying to get sponsorship from Porsche (which he won’t). Ryan said “we don’t that on this show.” First off Elliot should have known that and secondly why is Ryan calling him out on that? Why do you even bring it up? I give it a 3 on the Seacrest awkward scale.

Two nights ago Seacrest made one of many gay jokes this year with Simon. Ryan, when your manliness is in question more than Davis on the “real world” then you can’t make gay jokes. I mean if someone asked Seacrest if he wore boxers or briefs he would say “Niether……… bikini briefs” then turn around while the moon rose as you seen him in his assless chaps. This gets a 7 on the Seacrest awkward scale.

I still don’t understand how Seacrest hosts so many shows. I mean he does Idol, something on the E channel and he has a radio show. Maybe I’m old fashioned but if you were going to host a lot of shows I thought you had to be good at you know… hosting!

By the way Ryan Seacrest needs a nick-name because I’m not sure he has one. Ryan “likes to see testicles.” Ryan “I’m in the closet and it’s a” Seacrest. Seacresticle out!

By the way it’s been a busy week so no recap of Heroes.

SEACREST OUT. Well, not quite. As far as I know, he’s still hidden somewhere deep in the closet – where by the way, he wants Simon to stay out of. Ryan Seacrest is one of the weirdest guys I (don’t) know. He’s also one of the most awkward. Every episode of American Idol has an awkward silence or weird comment mostly thanks to Ryan Seacrest.

I will disclose right now that I love love love Simon Cowell. I’m not sure why but I think he’s really sexy. Yes, I know he’s over 40 and wears tight t-shirts and mean to contestants but I still love him anyway. When I first started watching Idol, I thought that Simon and Ryan just hated each other but now I’m not so sure. I know Simon’s not gay – he has long-time girlfriend, Terri Seymour. But I’m not so sure about Ryan Seacrest and I think he just might have quite the crush on my man Simon.

I’ve wondered for awhile how in the world does Ryan have time to do all the shows he does? He hosts American Idol; has a radio show on KIIS-FM; hosts the top 40 each weekend and works for E! Online doing E! News as well as hosting red carpet events. Does this guy breathe? I know he doesn’t eat. It’s obvious he has manorexia. But where does he find time to do all this stuff?

Some of my favorite Idol banter was the hilarious scene between Ryan and Simon a month or so back. Asking Melinda what the worst part of the performances were, Melinda replied the high heels. Ryan asked Simon if he knew anything about that and Simon replied with “You should know, Ryan.” Ryan said, “Stay out of my closet.” Simon’s classic comeback “Come out.” I was rolling on the ground. My sentiments exactly.

The best part is that Ryan signs off of his shows with SEACREST OUT but he’s so obviously not out. Does he really think it’s that big of a secret. News flash: It’s not!

Okay I can’t talk about Ryan Seacrest and American Idol without at least mentioning last night’s show. Can you believe Melinda got voted off? I can believe it but it’s still sad. She was clearly the best singer among the three. Not the best performer. Not the most marketable. Not the prettiest. But she was an amazing singer and she’s going to do great things.

Now who will win between Blake and Jordin. I love Blake but I’m picking Jordin.