Monday, June 25, 2007

Age of Love


A little bit of boating, work, road trips, golfing, biking, torn ligaments in my foot and little of “age of love” and the blog is back. Anybody that has read the blog heard me talk about “age of love” a few weeks ago and I was excited because I thought it would be horrible. It has exceeded my expectations and is much worse.

Mark Phillapoopoo or whatever, is a total jock, he can’t hardly say the girls name back to them. I can’t decide which scene I enjoyed more.
When Mark meets the 40 year olds and is like “Should I buy them some Ensure?”
Wait we have a new leader he is wearing a fake afro on roller skates and he can’t hardly skate. This guy is a professional tennis player? I think I could do that….. On skates!
When he gets in the hot tub with the 20 year olds and can’t think of anything to say because he has concentric circles and triangles running through his head. Yeah, that’s nerd talk boobs and vags

How hot is the 26 year old on this show? I don’t know who she looks like but I like it! Holy Cow Mary should be cut right away because she is F.I.N.E
Freaked out
Get rid of her! The cat is out of the bag, she is crazy and Philapussy is going to figure it out pretty fast. It’s not like the real world and they can hide it for a couple weeks. See Paula from real world key west.

I really enjoyed the scene where mark was talking with the 48 year old and figured out that she could be his mom. Next week on age of love Mark Philapuppy makes out with mom! That would be great T.V. this big shot thinks he is getting a bachelor knock off show and then he makes out with his mom and is publicly humiliated forever!

Nah, Mark PhilaGreyPoupon is alright although he has less game than some of friends good thing he is rich.

I give NBC credit it gives guys the chance to ponder the age old question 40 vs. 20 menopause vs. men pause men pause men.
Holy cow the 20 year old are going Dance Dance Revolution, I think they have been practicing since they were 12.

Once again Mark is an athlete he is too concentrated on winning at DDR than looking at the girls boobs while the play. I woulda gave 3 to 1 odds for that. Mark PhilaPujols has no clue how to talk to a woman no wonder he is still single.

I forgot about the whole reality show = free booze aspect, which leads to free booze = horny girls = drama = good tv. I know Mark Philapino made fun of the girl that said her dog has the same personality as her but I think his dog has the same personality as him.

Yes that was five funny names jokes in this blog but I think that is all I got. I hope I didn’t lose all the readers but I am gonna try to bring the blog back.


Age of Love…But love has no age. Right. That’s what the cradle robbers and grave diggers tell themselves. Those of us who live in the real world know differently. Will professional tennis player/hottie pick the kittens (20s) or the cougars (40s)? It depends on whether he likes wrinkles or dead brain cells?

On one hand, the 20s are young, cute and…well, I don’t have anything else to add here. Oh wait I do…slutty. Did you see Tessa’s boobs? She’s in surgical sales. SportsDude asked, “I wonder what she sells?” I have a good idea…fake boobs. Hers are almost as bad as Heidi Montag’s HILLS, almost!

On the other hand, the 40s are aged but isn’t all fine wine? They are also established in their careers. And they are self-confident. No, they don’t look the best in a bikini but who does?

I have no doubt that Mark whatever his last name is will choose a 20-year-old. Not because they are more fun. Not because they are smarter. Because they are sluttier. And pro athletes like slutty.

Okay this is where I should reveal I am 23. So why am I being so mean to my age class? Because just watch them. They are being dumb. But there are a few that I think have potential. Adelaide, Amanda and Megan – the 3 women he took on his private date. I don’t have a clear favorite in the 40s yet.

I guess we’ll get to see what the age of love is. If it’s 40, I might just piss my pants.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Coming Soon

We are working on a new post. Sorry for the delay. Things have been a little hectic. Promise to have one up in the next day or so. We will return to regular programming in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

National Spelling Bee


Tonight something totally unintentional happened. I was channel surfing and came across the Scripps National Spelling Bee. I have never sat down and watched this but I wish I had for many years. However, after watching this for only a little while I have many questions.

Who are the announcers for the spelling bee? Are they former spelling bee champions? Participants? If not, then why are they there? We need John Madden announcing this thing. “You see Nathan Horton got the d mixed up with the t and when that happens the bell rings and your out, huh huh huh.”

I see Stuart Scott backstage interviewing some kid that was a good speller for many years and I thought “What did Stu Scott do to piss off everyone at ABC?” Next I seen his microphone and is had the HD on it which made me wonder

Is this thing broadcasted in HD? If so, why? Who possible needs to see this in HD? I can just hear the following exchange.

“I think that contestant 487 has a booger in his left nostril.”
“No, I think that its nose hair”
“He is thirteen, there is no way he can grow nose hair”

Mike and Mike are there too? There is no way Mike Golic belongs at the Spelling Bee. I guess he is just trying out his announcing skills. What are the odds on Mike Golic being able to spell “Dandy Doodles?”

This girl asked for the antamology of pelorus and the judge said “its unknown” and this girl’s face was saying Son of a @#$%&. It was priceless, she just got frustrated and eventually missed the word.

Where do these words come from? I mean I have tried to type some of these words in Microsoft word and it thought I misspelled a word.

There was this kind and the judge gave them some complicated word and said that it mean a “bed bug” and the kid said “I like bed bug better.” I hope he wins

Wow, I’m glad that I am not in middle school like these kids. Wow, I’m glad I’m not in this spelling bee because I like numbers better.

This thing is so unintentionally funny that I went to the fridge and got a beer and began watch the hilairiousness. Shoppergal just said she didn’t like this kid and didn’t’ want him to win. Geez, the judge just tried to make a joke and even worse people laughed at it. It would have gone over like a wet fart in church if it wasn’t at a spelling bee.

What are these kids going to do after the spelling bee? I mean it’s not like this is going to be a skill later on in life. I mean if I asked somebody to spell something I’d wait maybe 20 seconds and then try to look it up. It’s not like they can even turn it into a parlor trick. I can just see this happening.
“Hey, can you spell fromundacheese”
“Can I have the origin”
“Yeah, I think it came from somewhere by bangkok”

I think I have a new annual event!


I’m sitting here drinking a beer and watching…wait for it…the national spelling bee. Yes, I live an exciting life. I happened to flip to ABC during supper and saw that Scripps National Spelling Bee was on. I stayed to watch one then two spellers. SportsDude moved over closer. We soon found ourselves trying to spell the words and cheering on people we liked. We were headed to the bar. But miss the spelling bee? No way.

There’s a boy from Missouri still in it. That makes me happy. I can’t remember his name but he looked somewhat normal. Most of the others kids looked incredibly nerdy. Okay the Missouri boy wasn’t that cool either but at least he was American.

You see very few of the final spellers at the spelling bee appear to be American. I have a theory why. In the United States, we name our kids things like Matt, Ben, Mike, Lee. In other countries, their names are longer, more complicated. Mohammed. Chyao. People from other countries have to become expert spellers just to spell their own names. It doesn’t take much brains to figure out how to spell Bob or Joe.

I have to confess here that I once competed at the regional spelling bee. In fact, that’s how I met my college roommate. We were in 8th grade and sat side by side at the regional spelling bee. Unfortunately I went out in the first round on deem. I spelled it deam. She said she made it further but I can’t remember. We both even still have our bright yellow spelling bee shorts. If that wasn’t dorky enough, we decided to wear them one day – at the same time.

I love spelling. I hate when people misspell words. I hate it even worse when I misspell words. Last fall I misspelled opossum. I had no idea there was an o in front of it. Even my fiancé knew that which made me feel even worst because he can’t even spell his own name (just kidding).

Imagine being in 6th, 7th, 8th grade and winning the national spelling bee beating out kids from all across the country. Footnote here: why is Canada kids in the NATIONAL spelling bee? They aren’t part of this country. Whatever. As long as they don’t win. I would be super proud to win the bee as dorky as it sounds. And I’m sure these kids will be too. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they write a tell-all book someday: My Life as a Spelling Bee Champ.

My claim to spelling fame: supercalifragilistic. Oh god I’m going to feel like a moron if I spelled that wrong.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pirates and Bingo


File this under the Really!?!?! Category like they did on SNL with Michael Vick. Coming this Thursday, get ready to set your DVR… Pirate Master! Flip, flop, flame out. I can’t believe they are going to air this show. I want to be in that meeting room when this idea is presented. So, what do you guys want to put on Thursday nights this summer? “I got it, the show will be like Survivor but we will make everyone be Pirates.” Whoever said “yeah, that sounds like a good idea” needs to lose their job and be forced actually watch this show.

I am convinced that they will put anything on tv, especially in the summer. We are leading up to a reality show where somebody has a shot to win a lot of money for winning or if they lose then they have to live the rest of their lives on some deserted island.

By the way, who came up with the idea for National Bingo Night? This show has got to be next Pirate Master for worst on tv, and I haven’t even seen it. As my friends will tell you this is where I say “I don’t need to watch that show because no good can come from it.”

I don’t know the name of the show but this summer set the Tivo for the show where there is like a 30 year old guy and he is playing the part of the bachelor and has to choose between a group of 40 year old women or 20 year old girls. Hmmmmmm…. This one sounds tough. Bubbly and horny vs. bitter and lazy. I’ll have to weigh this one out more closely.

In closing the NBA playoffs are wash and we are inevitably heading for a Spurs vs. Pistons rematch. Both of my baseball teams stink and summer tv is a snooze. This gives me more time to work on my golf game so, thanks network heads.


Ahoy mate. Apparently pirates are all the rage. I knew they were popular there for awhile in women’s fashion. I have the skull shoes to prove it and Nicole Richie and Ashlee Simpson have pirate-esque scarves. Television is the next line to follow suit.

SportsDude and I returned from the Memorial Day holiday to see a commercial for a new reality tv show. Pirate Master. They really have thought of everything. It looks very Survivor-like but with pirates (or people who want to be pirates). Now I know people will do anything to be on t.v. but seriously? Does that many people really want to be a pirate? Do they even exist anymore? I’m thinking the huge blockbuster hit Pirates of the Caribbean might have something to do with this pirate craze.

To fully understand why I think this pirate show is completely hilarious, you have to know some inside knowledge. We have friends who used to date who regularly rented pirate porn. Every time they would come home with a porn and SportsDude and I would sneak a peek (for purely educational purposes) it always starred pirates. We loved to give them a hard time about their pirate obsession.

After telling my coworkers about how crazy this new pirate show was, I ran across and even more ridiculous show. People competing for kidneys. Can television get any crazier? Read the story here:

I wouldn’t be doing ridiculous tv justice if I didn’t at least mention National Bingo Night. Yes. On Friday nights there is actually a show centered around bingo. B12. And I’m not talking Star Wars here. The sad part I think this show might actually be interesting, especially if it gives home viewers a chance to play along. I’ll bring my playing card to the couch.

I knew that they would show just about anything on t.v. now but I’m pretty sure we’ve just gone beyond anything. Pirates? Kidneys? Bingo? Come on, people. There has to be something better to do with your nights!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

NBA Lottery and season finale


Portland?.... Portland…. Freaking Portland. What is in that city other than the Jail Blazers? There is a reason that the city has only one professional sports franchise. Because that is the only one it can support. I had always suspected that the NBA has rigged the lottery in the past years because everything has just fallen too perfect. Lebron goes to his hometown of Cleveland. Patrick Ewing goes to New York. It’s bad enough that Portland is going to get Greg Oden but then Durant is going to go to Seattle, another team in the pacific northwest. Maybe 5-7 years from now there will be great showdowns between the two but now it is a disaster.

All of the good teams and good players are in the west now the two next franchise players are going to be in the west too? There is only one way to fix the NBA. Import, Lebron, D Wade, and Gilbert Arenas Chris Bosh, and Dwight Howard to Memphis, Sacramento, Clippers, T-Wolves and Hornets. The rest of the league in the words of Donald Trump “you’re fired.” Yeah, the rest of the league is just cut. I mean really what are we losing? Other than some history with Bulls and Celtics, the rest of the east is dead. It wouldn’t happen because of the huge media market on the east but the west would be awesome to watch. The quality of games would go up, players might show up in shape and care during all the games. Ok. Ok, you don’t like that solution.

Let’s bring NBA Live ’09 to life and have a fantasy draft. The east will now never win a game against the west, other than the Pistons no team will be over .500. So, tear up everyone’s contract and put all the players in a big pool and use this year’s draft order to pick all the players again. That way balance of power will come back and the season will fun to watch again.

In closing right when you think that the NBA couldn’t get any worse, this happens. Barring a trade the league will suck for at least 5 more years.

Random notes instead of a segway: Shoppergal can not do a single real push up also I think Sarah Silverman is hilarious because of her new commercial promoting the MTV Movie Awards where she feels up this guy and then smells her hand. By the way the Sarah Silverman show was very funny, while ridiculous, still very funny.

Part 2 of the Blog: Season finales of our favorite tv shows ranked from the top 3 down.

Desperate Housewives. I am kind of ashamed I watch this show but I blame my upbringing. I came from a small town that centered around gossip. Fact: the smaller the town the more ridiculous of stories/rumors there are. I might blog about this another day. Anyways, the housewives know how to make everything interesting. I hope that Carlos gets back together with Eva because I think I look like Carlos and Eva is in my Top 3 celebrities I want to do. Note: she was about to get kicked out of the #3 slot by Beyonce but then she walked in the room with the politician guy and said she was horny. Schwing, back in the top 3. The blonde couple went through a rough patch and will be tested with her having cancer and her mom in the house. I am glad that Terri Hatcher got married to that rugged looking guy, he is much cooler than the Englishman Ian. I am glad they got rid of Edy because she wasn’t hot enough or real enough to be on this show. Final note Bri (the red head) is way crazy. I mean crazy like the kind of girl that says “wow, she is pretty hot” and naturally you respond like a guy and say “yeah!?” then she freaks out on you for looking at her. This show is a soap opera during primetime but oh well drama is cool as long as it isn’t yours.

Heroes. I would have had this higher but I was kind of disappointed in the final scene with the fight. I don’t have a better answer for how they should have done it because everyone had to accumulate at that spot but Nikki/Jessica didn’t need to be there. She had little significance in that scene. Basically I was mad that everyone was sitting around watching Peter and Sylar fight and did nothing. By the way Peter and Sylar will both be back next season. Although it did follow the plot well, good became evil and evil became good and “saved the world” plus Hiro killed Sylar just like the comic predicted, plus he looked bad ass. This show is written so well, I am worried that next season is going to be a huge let down. I wish they would cut the show and make a movie trilogy out of it.

The Office. I like this show a lot. It turned out well for me. What is going to happen with Jan? I think she will wind up pregnant and Michael will get excited about being a father and Dwight will try to give him advice. It is going to be weird having BJ Novak as Michaels boss. I don’t think that will last long. Tangent: did anybody else notice a huge personality change in Kelly in the past 2 seasons? Karen, she is definantly gone off that show because her other pilot got picked up. Leading up to her and Jim being done, and more fun with Jim+Pam=Jam. That means more picking on Dwight, my favorite of the show.


Okay I’m going to leave the NBA lottery alone for the most part. I think SportsDude hit it hard enough. I don’t understand why the NBA doesn’t just conduct the draft like the NFL where the worst team picks first. Seems to make sense but whatever.

What I really care about is t.v. and I couldn’t be more sad that all the shows are pretty much over for the season. I don’t know what I’m going to do tonight without The Office and Grey’s Anatomy to watch.

My favorite shows of the season: The Office, Heroes and American Idol. Other shows that found their way onto my watch schedule and were pretty good shows: Grey’s Anatomy, Friday Night Lights and October Road (despite only being a few episodes long – there’s always next season).

So what did I think of the season finales? The finales that rocked my world:

3. Grey’s Anatomy – Normally Grey’s would be number 1 but this season just didn’t do it for me. It left a bad taste in my mouth, especially the season finale. There were no happily ever afters. It reminded me of the movie My Best Friend’s Wedding where as good as it was you were still unhappy because Julia Roberts didn’t get the man. I still watched the finale and I’m sure I’ll pick up next season. I might even watch the new pilot, Private Practice starring the beautiful Addison Montgomery.

2. Heroes – This show rocked my world quite literally. It ended with a boom. But luckily for the state of New York, Nathan Petrelli saved the day. He turned out to not be such a bad guy after all. The Heroes accomplished their goal: Save the cheerleader, save the world. I, for one, can’t wait for next season.

1. The Office – How could this not be another one? We finally got the Jam (Jim+Pam) action we’ve been waiting for since that hot kiss during last season’s finale. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Karen. I just liked Jim and Pam together much more. Throw in Steve Carrell as Michael and Dwight and you have a hilarious show. This show always lives up to my expectations. Love it!

I don’t know what SportsDude are I are going to do with our lives now that we have nothing to watch on t.v. Maybe long bike rides. We’re so pathetic!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Croquet Fight and American Idol

Tonight is the big Idol finale Jordin vs. Blake. The obviously safe pick is Jordin. She is black and white, a smile that captures a room and can really belt it out. Blake is modern, hip and original. I will maintain that once again Blake is the only person on the show that I would pay money to see. I think he is extremely talented and original, however, he entered a singing competition and he is a “pretty good” singer. As we have seen in the past thought the best singers don’t always win. It is whoever is the most marketable.

Let’s look at the demographics for the contestants. Blake appeals to the young generation, who eats up music. Blake does not appeal to anyone over the age of 30 though. Jordin appeals to everyone, and although she is young I don’t think she appeals to a real young generation simply because she is not “sexy” enough.

I don’t know who votes the most for American Idol but I think it is 13 year old girls (which makes me question my maturity) so I think Blake will land all of those votes. I’m calling it Blake Lewis is you American Idol.


Last night me and shoppergal played a few games croquet. Up until Sunday I had not won a game of croquet against shoppergal because I never played it until we got a set last year. Shoppergal is quite competitive and last night she kind of grazed a ball and it didn’t go anywhere. I was feeling nice so I let her have another hit because the ball didn’t go anywhere. One karma point for Sportsdude. A few hit later I hit the ball and it lands exactly in the middle of the wicket. Depending who you are it could be argued that half is through the wicket or not. Expecting that Shoppergal would remember my kind act, I was thinking that it would be called over half through and I could hit again. Ummmmm……. Let me think….. NO.

Shoppergals, competitive spirit came through. I let her win the argument because I always let her win. However, I was upset about this one. What goes around did NOT come back around. I’m a go with the flow kind of guy but this made the flow stop.

We play on and I’m losing because I can’t focus because I am mad. I try to really nail the ball and the mallet falls of pole and manages to hit my foot and the ball. OK, OK, shoppergal will see that the mallet flew off the club and let me have another try at it, kind of like a foul ball in baseball. “NO, you can’t hit!” said shoppergal.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoooa. Whoooaoooa. Back the horse up. Back the F***** horse up. Where did my good karma point go? I didn’t get to use it earlier and I don’t get to use it now? Ya know what… Santa Clause is not watching, did nobody see this good deed I did earlier? Maybe I should go cash in this karma point in at the casino.

Oh by the way shoppergal won all 4 games of croquet last night. I am ashamed…. I have disappointed men all over the country.

All this leads up to the question “Do you always play to win?”

If you're an American Idol hater, skip down toward the end of my post immediately because this top part is all about tonight's finale. As you can tell, SportsDude and I are obsessed with American Idol. And tonight is finally the moment of truth…who will be crowned the 6 th American Idol? Will it be the young but pop-tastic Jordin Sparks or will it be the unique, alternative Blake Lewis?

My money's on Jordin although I'd be pleased with either ending. I think Jordin fits the mold of American Idol much better but Blake would bring something different to the role. He's not a cookie cutter artist. He does his own thing; he has his own style. And it's impressive I must add.

Even more importantly than who is going to win, what superstars will make guest appearances? I heard a rumor that Britney Spears would be taking her train wreck comeback to the American Idol stage. But I find that very hard to believe. I guess we'll all have to wait and see.

On another note (tune back in AI haters) I am the world's most competitive person. Seriously. Ask SportsDude. He'll tell you. Last night we played a game of croquet like we had for the last two nights but last night things got a little out of hand.

I don't think I'm in the minority here when I say that I hate to lose. I mean it. I can't stand it. I will do anything – cheat, steal, lie – to keep from losing. It makes me feel inadequate. It makes me feel defeated. It makes me…well, pissed.

But last night I wasn't even losing and I lost my cool and the competitive ShopperGal oozed out of every inch of my body and SportsDude got to experience the wrath. It happened at the first wicket. I went to shoot the ball and mostly missed. My mallet grazed the ball but the ball only moved about a millimeter. SportsDude let me shoot again (which I think was fair since my ball didn't move).

Well, we move on to the next wicket and SportsDude shoots one through the wicket and it doesn't make it all the way through. In my opinion, it doesn't make it more than 1/3 of the way through. In his, it is half. Rules of croquet state that it has to be at least halfway through to count as through. SportsDude thought it was through and he should shoot again. I disagreed. Well, then he brings out the big gun. He let me cheat (earlier hit which I considered totally legal) and it's halfway though so he should get to hit again. We argued for at least 5 minutes about this. Finally I gave in and let him cheat since he had let me "cheat".

I know it's a stupid story and an even more stupid thing to get mad over. But I couldn't help it. It struck my competitive nature. So anyway SportsDude spent the rest of the evening mad at me. And I spent the rest of the evening mad at myself. I had ruined a fun game of croquet and it's not the first time. It seems like every time I try to play a game I get too competitive and take all the fun out of it.

SportsDude tells me games are supposed to be fun. Well, I told him that they are fun WHEN I'm winning. Is that wrong?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ryan Seacrest

A lot of people probably thought that Idol last night was shocking. I’m calling a “told ya so” on this one. Once Idol gets down to the final three or four singing goes out the window. Everyone can say “yeah, they can sing pretty good.” At this point in the game what matters most is looks and song choice. What I mean by song choice is that the contestants need to pick a song that everyone knows and that is fun. If the contestants pick a slow song then they are done for. Last nights show and many others this year seem to have been overshadowed by Ryan Seacrest.

At this point I have many questions and few answers for why Ryan Seacrest is so popular. He is terribly awkward, not funny, maybe gay, and has no personality. So, I guess he is what network exec’s want. It just seems like he should have a big wind up rod on his back that the exec’s turn and then Ryan walks around and says stupid things. Let’s have some examples.

Last night when Elliot (we be) Yamin got done singing and was trying to get sponsorship from Porsche (which he won’t). Ryan said “we don’t that on this show.” First off Elliot should have known that and secondly why is Ryan calling him out on that? Why do you even bring it up? I give it a 3 on the Seacrest awkward scale.

Two nights ago Seacrest made one of many gay jokes this year with Simon. Ryan, when your manliness is in question more than Davis on the “real world” then you can’t make gay jokes. I mean if someone asked Seacrest if he wore boxers or briefs he would say “Niether……… bikini briefs” then turn around while the moon rose as you seen him in his assless chaps. This gets a 7 on the Seacrest awkward scale.

I still don’t understand how Seacrest hosts so many shows. I mean he does Idol, something on the E channel and he has a radio show. Maybe I’m old fashioned but if you were going to host a lot of shows I thought you had to be good at you know… hosting!

By the way Ryan Seacrest needs a nick-name because I’m not sure he has one. Ryan “likes to see testicles.” Ryan “I’m in the closet and it’s a” Seacrest. Seacresticle out!

By the way it’s been a busy week so no recap of Heroes.

SEACREST OUT. Well, not quite. As far as I know, he’s still hidden somewhere deep in the closet – where by the way, he wants Simon to stay out of. Ryan Seacrest is one of the weirdest guys I (don’t) know. He’s also one of the most awkward. Every episode of American Idol has an awkward silence or weird comment mostly thanks to Ryan Seacrest.

I will disclose right now that I love love love Simon Cowell. I’m not sure why but I think he’s really sexy. Yes, I know he’s over 40 and wears tight t-shirts and mean to contestants but I still love him anyway. When I first started watching Idol, I thought that Simon and Ryan just hated each other but now I’m not so sure. I know Simon’s not gay – he has long-time girlfriend, Terri Seymour. But I’m not so sure about Ryan Seacrest and I think he just might have quite the crush on my man Simon.

I’ve wondered for awhile how in the world does Ryan have time to do all the shows he does? He hosts American Idol; has a radio show on KIIS-FM; hosts the top 40 each weekend and works for E! Online doing E! News as well as hosting red carpet events. Does this guy breathe? I know he doesn’t eat. It’s obvious he has manorexia. But where does he find time to do all this stuff?

Some of my favorite Idol banter was the hilarious scene between Ryan and Simon a month or so back. Asking Melinda what the worst part of the performances were, Melinda replied the high heels. Ryan asked Simon if he knew anything about that and Simon replied with “You should know, Ryan.” Ryan said, “Stay out of my closet.” Simon’s classic comeback “Come out.” I was rolling on the ground. My sentiments exactly.

The best part is that Ryan signs off of his shows with SEACREST OUT but he’s so obviously not out. Does he really think it’s that big of a secret. News flash: It’s not!

Okay I can’t talk about Ryan Seacrest and American Idol without at least mentioning last night’s show. Can you believe Melinda got voted off? I can believe it but it’s still sad. She was clearly the best singer among the three. Not the best performer. Not the most marketable. Not the prettiest. But she was an amazing singer and she’s going to do great things.

Now who will win between Blake and Jordin. I love Blake but I’m picking Jordin.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Music to my Ears


What could possibly be better than drinking a beer and sitting outside? Wait, drinking a beer, sitting outside at a concert! This summer there are a few bands that would be pretty cool to go see.

Friday, Fall Out Boy is coming to STL. I know a lot of people don’t them because “they sounds like Blink 182.” I don’t care though, their music sounds good to me. Even though some of their songs sound the same. They sing something you can’t understand and then a put whoa-o-o-o in it. None, the less I like their lyrics because they are clever and usually have a deeper meaning. Much better than G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. Geez, somebody send Fergie back to 1st grade with all the other kids spelling. I mean seriously, did she win a spelling bee in 5th grade or something? I can hear it now in her next, “can you use it in a sentence?” methadone, M-E-T-H-A-D-O-N-T Fergie.

Another concert I am really pumped for this summer is probably my favorite band called Cross Canadian Ragweed. They are playing at a county fair, but I’m cool with that. They are a “red dirt” band, meaning their music is primarily country with a little more guitar in it. Their guitar playing is phenomenal, and they’ve been playing together for over 12 years so they know each other and how their set is going to go. I’ve seen these guys 4 times in concert and 3 times they were great. The other time, I don’t think the venue did a very good sound check for them because they were opening up for Robert Earl Keen (who blew by the way). Your, probably thinking “ok, they are a country band, gag, so what?” Thing is, they don’t really fit that part they are some long haired hippie looking type. Basically, I think their favorite thing to do is get stoned and play music for hours. The first time I seen them they played for nearly 3 hours!

311 is coming later this summer and I have also already seen them and they put on a good show but last time I went to their concert the whole place smelled like pot. That’s not really my thing so that made it a little less enjoyable. That same show Papa Roach opened for them and kind of stole the show.

Brad Paisley is also going to be through here. I think he is awesomely talented and very funny. This would be a good show for sure.

I don’t know if they are still touring but I would love to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers in concert. Their music is just so different and they have so much energy. It would be a blast to see these guys. If anybody knows if they are coming then let me know.

I know shopper gal will have Kelly Clarkson at the top of her list. Kelly is like her “Idol.” Get it, Kelly Clarkson…. “Idol” yes pun intended. Wow, that is lame. Stay tuned for Hereos/Idol blog next!


SportsDude and I have very similar and very different tastes in music. While I am a pop kind of gal typically. He is more of an alternative type of guy. His favorite bands include Fallout Boy, Greenwheel and Cross Canadian Ragweed. My favorite bands/singers include Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry and Three Doors Down.

I am very commercialized. I love everything celebrity-related or anything. It’s a sad confession but one I must make. American Idol appeals to me. Gossip rags beg for me to pick them up. I am a sucker for trends. I don’t think this makes me a bad person.

SportsDude isn’t as commercialized. He watches American Idol with me every week but he doesn’t buy up every CD the artists from the show put out like I do. He is more original in his music taste and has a clear style that he loves. Mine isn’t so clear. I like country; I like rock; I like alternative; I like pop. I just can’t be labeled.

I must admit though that I do enjoy SportsDude’s music and have been to more concerts of his favorite bands than I have my own. We’ve caught Greenwheel in concert at least 5 times. We’ve seen CCR 3 times in the last 6 months. And we’re planning a trip this weekend to see Fallout Boy. I’ve never seen Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry or Three Doors Down in concert. However, I do own both a Kelly Clarkson and Chris Daughtry CD and have plenty of Carrie Underwood and Three Doors Down songs on my iPod.

This summer I would love to broaden my horizons. SportsDude already has us scheduled for a CCR concert in July and a Fallout Boy concert this weekend but I would also like to see Kelly Clarkson when her tour stops by St. Louis. I would love to see Carrie Underwood although I’m not sure when she’ll be making it this way and I just missed Chris Daughtry at a casino in St. Louis (my sister and I were both devastated – we both got each other his new CD for Christmas!).

Anyone have any suggestions on great concerts we could go to? I’m planning at least one to two country concerts, a few alternative gigs and hopefully one American Idol show. Turn the radio up!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Bicycle Wheels and Greenwheel

Last week was shopper gals birthday and she didn’t want jewelry or girly stuff but she wanted a bicycle. Not just a bicycle for her but one for me too. No, we did not get a bicycle built for two but two different bicycles. These turned out to be pretty fun.

I haven’t ridden a bicycle since my foot could reach kick shift on the Big Red Threewheeler. Apparently bicycles have changed a lot since then. The bike I bought has 21 gears! My truck doesn’t even have that many.

We took a couple rides on the nearby trail and it was pretty fun, despite almost running over a snake. Shopper gal was pedaling her ass off and about half way I ask her what gear she is in and she says “second.” I tried to explain to her that if she shifts up that she won’t have to pedal as hard. However, she was skeptical and after taking a second ride she finally got up 4th gear.

There was also a ton of people riding bikes on the trail. I had no idea it was so popular to ride bikes without motors. Much like the beach, on the trail there are way too many old guys wearing way too tight of shorts. So here’s the rant of the week. To all the old guys riding bikes, if you gut covers your nuts then don’t wear bicycle shorts. That sight is just as enjoyable as the site of amniotic fluid on the floor.

From bicycle wheels to still one of my favorite bands even though they are no longer “together” Greenwheel. This past weekend we went to the STL and we ate at this place called Cybergs which was a hotel bar. It brought back way to many memories of Sportsdude old bartending days at a hotel bar. Ok, exiting off memory lane. As we were eating diner Shopper gal said “hey, this guy is trying to look like Ryan Jordan.” Note: Ryan Jordan was the lead singer of Greenwheel. I responded “wait, that is him.”

I went up to introduce myself thinking that he was just hanging out but no. After I said “Hey, I’m Lee.” He said “I just do this when I need a little extra cash.” At that moment I look up on stage and a cover band is setting up.

I was so disappointed, it felt like I found out my only son is gay. I thought that Ryan Jordan and their band were so talented and now is singer for a cover band. I mean they wrote a song that was nominated for a Grammy. They didn’t sing but they sold the rights to the song “Breathe” to Melissa Ethridge. Another one of their songs was on the Spiderman soundtrack and they were signed to a major label, Island records. Recently they changed their name to “Go Van Gogh.” I think they have been struggling but still….

As great as it was to meet him and talk to him it was equally disappointing to see him lower himself to that level. If anybody thinks I am crazy then you can go to and listen to their stuff. I’m not saying that they are best thing since cubed ice and sliced bread but he is better than singing for a cover band. Bottom line is “Ryan Jordan, good luck but man you don’t need to sing for a cover band.”

SportsDude told his biker friend last night that he “got a bike.” His friend didn’t even bat an eye. “The kind with pedals, right?” He didn’t believe for a second that SportsDude would be cruising on a Harley. He was right. We got bikes – old-fashioned ones.

I asked for bikes for me and my man for my birthday last week and he came through. I got a cool purple and silver bike. He got a red Schwin. We took them out for the first long bike ride this weekend and I’m seriously paying for it. We rode 8 miles on Saturday. Sunday my butt felt like someone had kicked it repeatedly and my legs felt like I had attempted to bench press 500 pounds. Brutal.

The worst part was that SportsDude didn’t hurt a bit. In fact, he was ready for bike ride #2 the next day. I went and all I have to say about that is…OUCH!

Also this weekend we were in St. Louis and a little old bar called Syberg’s. We weren’t expecting to see anyone we knew and had no idea there was going to even be a band playing. We just wanted pizza and wings. We got more. In fact, SportsDude was stoked because he got quite a show – for free.

Ryan Jordan, lead singer of Greenwheel, was singing for the cover band at the bar – Wild Stallyons. I picked him out and SportsDude practically sprinted to shake his hand and get the scoop on why the head man for SportsDude’s favorite band was playing in a hotel bar. He was disappointed to say the least to hear that Jordan was trying to pick up extra money telling us both that Greenwheel was going down in smoke.

Excuse me I guess I should tell you now that Greenwheel is no loner Greenwheel. It’s now known as Go Van Gogh. I’m not all that impressed with the name but I love the band just the same, especially Ryan Jordan so go to and check them out!!

Now back to recovering from my bike ride…

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Celebritiy Eye Candy, Bulls and East Coast Drinking


I’ll just give you guys the rundown of what is going to happen in this blog. First, Monday tv minus heroes because it gets its own blog with a little bit of celebrity gossip. I know I am not proud of myself. Little bit of Bulls/ Pistons game and brain teaser.

First off after Hereos I was flipping between Bulls/Pistons, Rockies/Cardinals, and celebrity eye candy. I don’t know how the tv landed on that station, but I’m a sucker for celebrity gossip and this junk. I have never bought an US Weekly or anything cheesy like that but, I do look at them in the line at the grocery store and since I date a walking gossip column I just ask her what is going on with celebrity X. I was watching this eye candy show and I was enjoying it and loathing myself at the same time. I really enjoyed the wedgie song (this has got to be on youtube) and celebrities falling down. Why do I care? I couldn’t even pick out half these celebrities if they didn’t say their name and what show they are on. This is totally mindless tv like Deal or No Deal but on a even lower lever because there is no math involved. I have no idea where this thought is going but I am confused.

I am interested in this alleged video of Lindsay Lohan snorting cocaine. I think the only movie I seen with her is “Mean Girls”. She used to be hot when she was a red head. F.Y.I. I have a thing for red headed girls. Yeah, who knows? I also have never done any drugs. This settles it, I’m interested because a hot red head is doing something I have never seen before. Anyways, I bet Lindsay Lohan is pissed at her friends, I mean they took a video of her doing illegal drugs. Which she shouldn’t have been doing in the first place and to make it worse I think she just got out of rehab. What a bunch of asshole friends, I bet Lindsay would have kicked their ass if she wasn’t so high. On the flip side I bet that they weren’t going to out run her because, you can’t out run a crack head.

The Chicago Bulls I think have been grandfathered in as my favorite basketball team for a couple reasons. My state doesn’t have a basketball team and Chicago would be the closest one, plus they had Michael Jordan and seriously how could not like him. When I first flipped to the game the Bulls were down by 16 and Andres Nocioni missed like 5 shots in a row. I still some talent with the Bulls though, Tyrus Thomas seems to be improving finally. I think he will be good in a couple of years.

It just seems like the Pistons knew what the Bulls were going to try to do. It’s like when you are playing with some friends and you never guard the last guy picked because even if you left him open all day he’d only make three shots. The Pistons just said go ahead and try that because it’s not going to work. It’s still only the first game and I think this will be a long series. The Bulls are going to get their act together and make it a series. Random question: Rasheed Wallace bald spot or bad hair cut?

What is going on with my Cardinals? Everything is going wrong with them this season. Every time I flip the game on in the 2nd or 3rd inning, they are already behind by 2 or 3 runs. Are they just spotting teams runs because they won the world series? I guess that I will have to catch the start of a game.

The meat of their order is not hitting, including Pujols. We have the most left field and right field errors of any team in the league I am sure of it. They just put Preston Wilson on the DL so maybe that will help our errors. The bullpen has actually been ok which is better than I can say for the rest of the team. To any Cardinals players that might be reading this “The banquet circuit is over. You are not Roger Clemens so the season doesn’t start at Memorial Day. Oh, yeah the Royals almost have as many wins as you!”

During the 4th inning I seen Yadi Molina, (my favorite Molina) take a peek at Todd Helton to see if he was peeking at Yadi. It seemed like something out of Spy vs. Spy. This seemed odd to me, I have never seen anything like this. Great Tyler Johnson just walked in the leading run for the Rockies. I haven’t been so down on the Cardinals since ’99. The Rockies right fielder seriously made the ugliest sliding catch I have ever seen in the bottom of the ninth.

Finishing up with a brain teaser; it’s summer time now, which works great for people drinking during the day. Maybe at the lake, a ball game, while mowing the lawn even at the winery on an afternoon. This leads to many people getting way too drunk way too early. I can’t call them lightweights because they drank for 6-8 hours, which is respectable. It’s just they are going to bed at like 9 or 10 on a weekend night. Bottom line is I need a term for people who go out early and wind up getting drunk early. I created one and its just not catching on like I want it to. I called it east coast drinking which works good for everyone that doesn’t live on the east coast. Somebody send me a term and then submit it to

From reading SportsDude's blog, I'm guessing I missed a pretty boring night last night. I can't comment much on the television shows he watched because I had a killer migraine and laid beside him on the couch fast asleep from 7:30 on (minus the time I woke up to watch Heroes - even a killer migraine can't keep me away from Hiro!)

SportsDude was right; I am a walking gossip columnist. I read every good celebrity blog I know about:,,,, plus a favorite of mine (all about Laguna Beach and The Hills - I am obsessed with my girl Lauren Conrad. I can't wait for her new clothing line to drop so I can scoop it all up. Hopefully it won't be too expensive but I'm getting something regardless and SportsDude can't stop me!). Anyway, as you can tell I'm kind of a celebrity gossipaholic. From time to time (okay almost daily) I share my latest tidbits with SportsDude. Sometimes he looks at me with pure confusion because he has no idea what I'm talking about but regardless he nods and pretends he cares and sometimes even asks questions. When I told him about Lindsay Lohan's cocaine scandal, he was more intrigued than usual. He's right - he does love redheads. And yes I am what some would classify a redhead but not a full-blown redhead. My hair is more of an auburn and he won't let me die it dark brown like Cameron Diaz's like I so desperately want to. I missed this Celebrity EyeCandy show he speaks of but I am intrigued enough that I can't wait to catch it next week. I will probably even look it up as soon as I'm done with this blog.

I'm with SportDude on the Chicago Bulls. They are my team. I've never seen them play in person but if I watch anyone on t.v. it's them. It goes back to the Michael Jordan years. I loved that man. I have pictures of him hanging on my wall in my childhood home. He was the man. Still is. I was sad to hear him and his wife are divorcing but I love him just the same. The series isn't looking good for the Bulls right now but hopefully they will pull out a victory.

The Cardinals. I don't know what to say about them. I caught an early season game in April and they got stomped. I was sitting out along right field and I felt for Preston Wilson. After his 3rd dropped fly ball, I thought the crowd was going to throw beer on him. This was his team fans too. I think the Cardinals need some leadership and direction right now. Even my man Pujols has been sucking it up and that's disappointing. Maybe after this whole Josh Hancock thing blows over, we will see our championship team again.

Finally, east coast drinking. It's something I'm pretty good at. Mostly because I'm like Cinderella two hours early - when the clock strikes 10, I turn into an old maid! For a couple weeks now, SportsDude and I have tried to come up with a good term for drinking early and crashing early and all we've came up with is East Coast Drinking. We've ran it by a few people and we are met with blank stares so I think it's a no go. Help us come up with a good one. We've been dying to enter a term into the Urban Dictionary!

Oh and finally, I need a good sign off. All the legends have one. Not that I'm a legend. But I'm going to try anyway. Until tomorrow...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Summer Lovin - Had me a blast!

It’s the beginning of May which means that summer is pretty much here. By now the New Years resolutions have gone out the window and it is time for summer goals. I don’t’ know if anyone else does this but I thought it’d be fun.

1. Drop 15 pounds, I’m getting older and getting smarter but I don’t think I have put on 15 pounds in my brain, so I’m going to have to lose this weight. Shouldn’t be a problem I bought some Nike + shoes so I can track how much I ran. If I knew how to let the public look at my profile I’d let you guys track me but I can’t figure this out. If anyone knows then let me know. I have to drive by the outdoor trail everyday to get home and if wouldn’t have been raining everyday this week I would have been there a lot more. Does anyone know if the Nike + shoes tracks your progress on the treadmill? I don’t think it can.

2. Try to avoid watching chick flicks. ShopperGal is gonna go crazy on me when she reads this. I can watch chick flicks in the winter because it’s cold outside and everyone else is laying around watching movies. In the summer though, I could be drinking outside on a patio, barbequeing, hanging out at the lake, or a million other things than watching a chick flick. So “Georgia Rule” you listen to me, I will not be watching you this summer, maybe in the winter when nobody can see us together.

3. Learn to golf. Oh yeah, I can hit the ball and land it on the 7th green except I’d be aiming for the 6th green. I have been designated the official cart driver and beer drinking previously when golfing but not this summer. I also think every company needs an official golf player/deal maker. I don’t if this job exists but one day I’m gonna have it.

4. Not get wasted at every wedding reception I go to. This should be an easy to accomplish but I can see the internal battle coming. Saturday Saturday Saturday SportsDude’s cheapness vs SportsDudes will power. I won’t want to drink that much but if it is open bar then………. I mean it’s free which is almost as good as cheap.

5. Taking some trips to see my friends in different cities. I have got to get this done. I don’t really have an excuse now. So my friends located in Weatherford, Indianapolis, KC and STL I’m coming over. Knock the beer bottles off the coach and flip the couch cushion that has the pee stain onit, because I’m sleeping on your couch!

Does anyone else have summer goals? I hope you hold yourself to higher standards than I do.

SportsDude wants us to write about our “goals” for the summer but I’m not really sure I have any goals for the summer. I guess I do but it’s hard to define them. More than anything I just want to enjoy the summer and do fun things. I’m going to give it a try anyway to list my goals although some might not technically be goals.

1. Case in point: One of my goals for the summer is to go boating at every available opportunity. I love boating and I love spending the day on the lake. There’s nothing more relaxing. Combine that with the fact that I get a good tan out of the day and I couldn’t be happier.

2. I guess another goal would be to lost about 10 pounds. I know this will be SportsDude’s goal too. Probably his number one. He loves to work out. Me, I could take it or leave it. However, since we’re getting married in December it would definitely be nice to slim down. I am hoping to get a bicycle for my birthday (which by the way is next week) so that SportsDude and I can go on long weekend bike rides. My ideal trip would be a 15-mile ride on one of the city trails to the winery. Granted I might be too drunk to ride back but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. Back to the losing weight part: I’m going to try. Swimsuit weather is not a good time to be carrying extra weight.

3. Another goal for the summer is to finish planning my wedding and get all the details pinned down. I’m still missing a few key areas, including cake and food as well as some others but all in all everything is coming together and going very smoothly. I fully predict it to be planned by the end of summer.

4. I also want to go on a float trip or two. I’ve never been on one and I’ve always wanted to. We already have a couple in the works and hopefully they will pan out. Another reason why I want to lose 10 pounds.

I don’t know that I have any other goals for the summer. As I said earlier, I just basically want to have fun. That’s what the summer is for. I plan to spend my days in the sun and the nights drinking on the patio of local bars. Oh what a life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Idol Heroes

Ok, this blog was supposed to be done before the Idol results show but it didn’t’ get done because get this, at work I was busy working L So, the theme here is tv blog. Starting off with the best show on tv “Heroes.”

On “Hereos” this week they went five years into the future and guess what there was still no flying cars! When is this going to happen? However, there was flying people so I guess that will have to do. Hiro meet future Hiro this week. If I remember right doesn’t this break the “Back To the Future” rule of not meeting your future or past self. I was absolutely expecting the world to implode at that moment, but once again I was disappointed.

The whole time throughout the show I was wondering why Nathan Petrelli was wanting to kill off the rest of the mutants/special people/heroes. By the way does anyone know the proper term for them on this show? Anyways, incase Nathan hasn’t noticed he can freaking fly. I’m pretty sure that is not normal, soooo……. Wouldn’t he have to kill himself off? Wait, no that just makes him a hypocrite. Well isn’t that just special the person that the free world elected president is a hypocrite, why don’t they just randomly pick someone out of prison.

Turns out that Nathan Petrelli is really Syler which means that Syler eventually eats that shape shifters brain. Once that was revealed everything made much more sense. Then Hiro returns back in time. Great, so they pulled a “soap opera” and absolutely nothing happened. I am worried that this will be a continuing theme on this show because the first season isn’t over and they’ve already had the save the world show. I mean really what is next “save the dolphin, save the universe?”

Second best show on tv is “American Idol.” One thing to remember this show is that it is a sport for people who don’t like sports, but if your like me and are at all competitive then you get sucked right in. (Same with all shows formatted like this but Idol does it the best.)

To start off I think that the whole combining two weeks votes is bull. What if someone came in 2nd to last the past two weeks? They wouldn’t get voted off but if the votes are combined then they would. I have been dying for a 80’s/ Hair band night on Idol but I get Bon Jovi, so I guess that is as close as I’m going to get. Turns out Bon Jovi has a lot more songs that I like than I knew. Blake’s version was AMAZING. I am convinced that he is the only contestant I would pay money to go see. Phil finally found his nitch but his eyes are too buggy to go any farther. Jordin didn’t do very good last night but she was amazing the week before so it all evened out. When will Jordin, LaKisha and Melinda start splitting votes, they are all the same singer. Hands down the best part of Tuesdays show was when Simon said he could kiss LaKisha and Ryan Seacreast got that jealous “LaKisha, you are so lucky” look. I thought he was going to race LaKisha to Simon’s lips, and Ryan would have got their first but I bet when he runs it looks like a prance.

I love recap night on Idol but I will leave this topic for a later blog. I must say that I really thought LaKisha and Chris would get voted off. Turns out I was only half right. Turns out Chris and Phil went home. Let’s be honest they had about an ice cubes chance in hell to win this.

Two of SportsDude and my favorite t.v. shows are Heroes and American Idol. We clear our schedule every week to watch them and are going to be bored this summer without them to watch.

Believe it or not, I’m the one who got SportsDude hooked on Heroes. I started watching it and couldn’t stop and eventually I made him sit down and watch it too and he got hooked. The show is always keeping us on our toes. Everytime I think I have something figured out the writers throw a kink in it.

I was annoyed at first because everyone kept dying but then they kind of stopped that but now I am worried again. It looked like Claire was going to bite the dust in Monday’s episode and I love Claire. The show just wouldn’t be the same without her. I also love Peter. He’s such a bad ass. I’m with EOnline’s Kristin Veetch that he looked even hotter with the giant scar across his face and that ain’t easy to do! I’m always looking forward to next week’s episode to see what’s going to happen next. Hopefully Hiro will save the world!

Our other favorite show is American Idol. Whose isn’t? I’ve watched this show since the end of season 1 where my beloved Kelly Clarkson was crowned the very first American Idol. I never thought I’d get SportsDude hooked on it but he’s worse than me. I was disappointed with last week’s inspirational songs. I know that’s horrible to say because they were raising money for charity but charity doesn’t keep me on the edge of my sweet. Drama, suspense, mystery does. I share Simon’s sentiments about being even more disappointed that they didn’t cut someone. P.S. I absolutely love love love Simon. I was so jealous that LaKisha got to plan one on his lips last night. Of course I have my very own lips to plant kisses on – love you SportsDude!

Here’s my biased opinion of last night’s show.
Jordin - She did bad. I love the girl but she did bad. Luckily she rocked last week so I think she’ll be safe.
Phil – He did surprising well. Trust me – I’m as shocked as the rest of you. In fact, he’s done well that last couple of weeks. I wouldn’t be all that surprised if he stuck around another day, especially since he has VoteForTheWorst behind him.
LaKisha – The old LaKisha was back but in the words of JoJo “Too little, too late.” I hate to say it because I think you’re a great singer but Bye bye LaKisha.
Blake – How many different ways can I say he rocked? Because he did. Blake is the most original contestant Idol has ever had and I realize that’s not saying much but honestly Blake is probably the most unique, original audience in the music world today.
Melinda – She was good. She’s always good. I’m with Simon in the sentiment that it’s actually quite annoying. I don’t want her to win.
Chris – He did okay. Just okay. Despite the fact that there’s rumors that he’s dating my girl Lauren Conrad (I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this girl) I’m gonna have to pick him to pack his bags and head out. Maybe now he can spend more time with LC. Word to the wise: don’t break her heart!

Who I’m picking to go: Chris and LaKisha

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Post Draft Afterglow

Sports Dude:
Results of the draft party can be summed up in three words. Brady Quinn face. Defined as the look of trying to hide the holy s*it face. It was classic, Brady Quinn was thinking “I can’t believe they didn’t pick me. Do they really think that Tavarius Jackson, Jason Campbell, Daunte Culpepper, Matt Schaub, J.P. Losman, Aaron Rodgers etc… are better than me?” Reports say that Brady Quinn lost out on over $20 million dollars. Wait, I have good news Brady you get to play for your childhood team. Wait, I have bad news Brady your childhood team is the Browns? Seriously, you like the Browns? I am about the same age as Brady and as long as I can remember the Browns have either A. sucked or B. not had a team. Worst of all the Browns don’t get a first round pick next year so they will suck for even more years to come. So Brady is from a suburb of Cleveland which I guess it’s ok for him to like that team, but I live near KC and they have the Royals and when your team sucks that much they quickly become your second favorite team.

The events of the Draft Day Party were rather well… uneventful. The most people we had at the party at any one point were six. I didn’t care though, I ate lots of good food (hamburgers, hot dogs, and rotel dip) drank a few (12) beers. It was disappointing that no flag football was played though. Plus I got to see Mel Kipers head nearly explode on live T.V. when the Dolphins passed on Brady Quinn for Ted Ginn Jr. That moment ranks in my top ten best T.V. moments of all time. Tangent: I didn’t state last week that I never listen to Mel Kiper’s predictions because he is always wrong. E.I. 2005 NFL Draft the number one player on his big board was Mike Williams. Yes, the same Mike Williams that got traded this weekend because he was acting like an NBA player. Apparently, Mike Williams doesn’t know how to practice??? WTF he got a scholarship to USC. He has been pulling Shaq and playing at 20-25 pounds overweight. He has also been pulling a Vince Carter (which is the worst) and not trying. Long story short Mel Kiper predicted 3 of first round picks correctly and one of them was the worst kept secret since Chandler and Monica started dating on “Friends.” So basically lets say that Mel got 2 of 31 picks right. That is worse than pitchers batting average in the MLB, however, it is hovering around the same percentage that I am right with the ShopperGal. So why does everyone listen Mel and his Mel Gel? I need to know these things.

Quick conspiracy theory they were talking on ESPN on Saturday that Roger Goodell wanted to lengthen the football season by two more weeks. This falls into place with what I have been thinking that the NFL wants to have the Super Bowl on the day before Presidents Day. That way everyone would have the day off after the Super Bowl, this would import the NFL’s greatest marketing plan. “Our championship game is SUCH a big deal that the whole country gets the next day off.”

No broken bones, no broken appliances, no major messes to clean up – all in all the draft party was a pretty successful get together. I would know because I’ve seen many that did not end so neatly – case in point: my fiance’s new year’s eve party a few years ago. We woke up on new year’s day with the deck laying in the middle of the yard, about 20 beer bottles broken on the floor, two holes in the wall, numerous cigarette burns to the floor and a horrible smell that took months to get rid of.

This weekend’s party went much better. We had about 8 people throughout the day make an appearance – there were about 4 of us that stuck around the whole day watching tv for a whopping 8 hours (despite an 80 degree sunny Saturday that just begged for me to come out and play). I drank a lot but managed to stay pretty lucid the entire party. We had a lot of good food and a lot of fun conversation. We didn’t get to play our game of flag football (despite shelling out $10 for a flag football kit) and we didn’t even get a game of Madden going on XBOX (I was thankful for that). We were much too engrossed with the draft and it really was a pretty good draft.

I felt bad for Brady Quinn. I hated to see him slide. Mostly because I think he’s cute but also because he’s respectable – he actually got his degree at an Ivy league school (isn’t notre dame ivy league?) and has never been arrested (as far as I know). I was very intrigued by the girl sitting beside him and after doing some Internet searching found out it was his girlfriend (crap). She looked like she was about 15 but after thoroughly googleing her I found out she was at least 20 and plays soccer at Southern Ohio. She looked nervous in front of the cameras but who doesn’t.

Anyway I had fun despite hanging out with a bunch of dudes (yes it all male as I figured). Plus I got some cute little flavored shots to put in my beer. They are called Sparks and are made by Bud Light and they were mmmm-mmmmm delicious!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

NFL Draft - Coming to a Party at Our House


I get excited every year about this time because I am Kansas City Chiefs fan and therefore my motto is “there is always next year.” So on Saturday I decided to have a NFL draft day party. I have never had one of these before so I don’t know what to expect I have a feeling it’ll go a little something like this. About 10:00 I’ll be ready to watch the draft and nobody will have showed up yet because they are hungover and don’t realize that it starts soooo early. I’ll have the whole place fixed up, complete with another tv hooked up to my x-box for a madden tournament on the side. There will be a spread of food, chips, dip, beer, and more chips.

I will give you guys my top 10 picks barring there is no trading (but there will be)
1. JaMarcus Russell
2. Gaines Adams
3. Brady Quinn
4. Calvin Johnson
5. Joe Thomas
6. Amobi Okoye
7. LaRon Landry
8. Adrian Peterson
9. Levi Brown
10. Leon Hall

For the all important Chiefs pick at 22, I think it will be Aaron Ross out of Texas because with Chiefs dumping Dante’ they need someone to return kicks, plus they need….. well a lot of things but a corner would be a good idea. I think the Chiefs should just take the Chicago Bull’s draft theory. Draft the best player on either A. Duke, B. Kansas or C. a final four team. The Chiefs should take the best player from A. Texas, B. LSU or C. a BCS team.

Back to how I think the party will go. Everyone will show up about the time Adrain Peterson comes off the board. Then they will eat some food. The girls will gossip in the dining room but get distracted because that is where the Madden tournament will be. Right after the Chiefs pick I will propose to go play some flag football. This will be fun, then people will get tired and go inside. However, me and a few other people will stay outside and flag football will turn into tackle football and the day will end in a exhilarating trip to the hospital.

Saturday is the big day. No, not our wedding. The NFL draft – which to my fiancé is probably even bigger than our wedding day! To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are having a “Draft Day” party at our house. It starts at 11 and will include a mid-afternoon game of flag football.

We invited quite a few people – 10 have RSVPed and hard telling who will really show up. I have a feeling it’s going to be a dickfest. I can’t foresee too many girls coming other than me (and I don’t technically count as coming because I live there). Nonetheless, I think it will be fun. I am sure half the people – my fiancé included – will be drunk by noon. The other half might make it until one.

I’m sure there will be lots of bets placed on things like “If the Browns take Quinn, you have to grow a mustache; if they take Peterson, I have to run around the house naked. Those are the kind of things that guys like to do. There will be lots of trash talk as we all filled out a mock draft ballot and whoever wins will get to rub it in everyone else’s face. I’m sure there will be a couple of beer chugging contests. The football game won’t just be touch; someone’s going to let their testosterone get the best of them. And I’m sure in the midst of all this I’m just going to need a nap.

I have a strong feeling that the house will look like a tornado hit it after all is said and done but luckily my fiancé is awesome and will help me clean. I’m sure a couple things will be either broken or ruined but I’m pretty laid back so it will be okay. I’m sure at some point in the day an argument will break out, either over football or over just plain ignorance. But most of all I’m sure it will be a blast for all of us!

My best bets for the play “Who we can’t believe is still on the table”: I think it’s going to be Adrian Peterson. I just don’t foresee him going in the top 5 but I don’t think he’ll slip further than 10. Of course there’s always that chance that trades screw everything up so who knows! Wish my house luck in surviving this male-dominated party! I even bought a new shirt to party in style (Go Chiefs!)

And here are my guesses for the top 10 players drafted (and of course I tend to dominate and beat all the boys at game like this - i was the fantasy football runner-up but had the best record in the league - LT choked in the championship).

#1 Jamarcus Russell
#2 Gaine Adams
#3 Brady Quinn
#4 Calvin Johnson
#5 Joe Thomas
#6 Amobi Okoye
#7 Adrian Peterson
#8 LaRon Landry
#9 Levi Brown
#10 Leon Hall

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Top 3 Bitchy Sitcom Wives and Stupid Husbands

I’m new to this whole blogging thing plus I’m an engineer which means I’m better with numbers than I am with words but I thought this would be fun. My fiancé (Shopper Gal) have decided give our view points on random subjects. We write our blogs separately and then post them on the internet, so I have no idea who she put on her list. Things like parties we have attended, movies we watched, and the thing I’m really good at which is watching T.V. So without further ado I give you the top three bitchiest sitcom wives.

First I’d like to give some honorable mentions to wives that didn’t make the list. Vicky from “War at Home,” she isn’t so much bitchy as she is sneaky and tricky but she just threatens with bitchiness where as she is just bluffing. Sheryl from “According to Jim” due to her deceitfulness, but they are still able to show her caring and understanding side.

3. Jill from “Home Improvement”
Jill was always selfish and wanted things done her way and never understood why the Tool Man didn’t get it. Tim however, would say something dumb and making Jill even more pissed and then he would stir over it the next day and with some advice from Wilson that the Tool Man would eventually get ass backwards, Jill would admire him for trying. That doesn’t excuse her for flipping out on the Tool Man more than Brooke flipping out on…. Well everyone on the “Real World.”

2. Carrie from “King of Queens”
I am sure that Shopper Gal put Doug from this show as the dumbest husband but I actually think Carrie has “fun” side to her. Doug only gets the wrath of Carrie after he screws up but it is a bad one. You know those horror movies where the little girl opens her mouth and then loud screams and growls come out and it sounds like the end of the earth is coming. (If anybody knows what movie I’m talking about here let me know) I kind of think that when Carrie yells at Doug.

1. Deborah from “Everybody Loves Raymond”
There is no question that she is the bitchiest of all the sit-com wives because even in the episode where her and Ray went golfing together she had to be a bitch. I watch this show and think she is having her lady time every episode. It seems like they can’t make it through a day without her yelling at Ray. It is her own fault though, they live next door to Ray’s parents and Ray is to laid back to help her with anything. If I lived next door to all of this yelling I would be calling 911 for a domestic abuse, and I would tell them to make sure the husband is still alive because I think she is going to kill him. There is no doubt that her sour moments outweigh her sweet moments. So here is your award Deborah, your video clip should now be attached to the word bitch in the online dictionary.

Shopper Gal:
I’m supposed to pick the 3 stupidest sitcom husbands while my fiancé picks the 3 bitchiest sitcom wives. My dilemma is how do I possibly ever choose just 3 – aren’t they all pretty stupid? Most days I think the entire male married population probably fits into the category of stupid. Nonetheless I’m going to try. Bare with me as I work my way from 3, 2, 1.

3. Doug from King of Queens
How could he not make my list? He’s a short, chubby 30-something man that drives a delivery truck, watches tv, eats lots of food and comes up with ridiculous ideas. He’s the king of stupid.

2. Raymond from Everybody Loves Raymond
I love Ray Ramone but you have to admit he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. He’s a sportswriter – every guy’s dream job and he plays golf in his free time. He doesn’t like to spend much time with his kids and he thinks his wife is useless since she’s a stay at home mom but has no idea the millions of thing she takes care of for him. Everybody Loves a Stupid Husband

1. Dave Gold from War at Home
I’m not sure how many people watch this show but it’s one of my fiancé and my favorite sitcoms as it follows a married man and wife and their struggles raising their dysfunctional family. Dave is hilarious but a total buffoon with a classic case on caveman syndrome (men are the king of the castle and must be extra manly). He likes to drink beer, watch sports and freak out about ridiculous things. He tops my war of stupid!

I’m sure I left someone out – how could I not? As I’m sitting here a dozen other sitcom husbands are running through my mind that should have been included but I only had room for three so these three are definitely my top choices!